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The Paul A Keenan Memorial Foundation’s Animal Rescue Project is transporting & fostering dogs from southern states, whose animal rights laws do not adequately protect dogs & cats from euthanasia, overcrowding, cruelty & abuse, hoarding, neglect, etc. We bring them to northeastern states, which do a better job at caring & loving pets. Right now, our rescued dogs are in loving foster homes.

Week before Christmas, 2015, was a week of firsts for the foundation’s animal rescue project:
We brought up from Woodstock, GA, four seven-week-old chow chow puppies, adorable fluff balls, three beige boys & a black girl. Their first day here was spent at their new vet; see their next day's photo shoot results below; then spent the next day at an afternoon holiday party with ten children, youngest 3 & oldest 16! Just like babies, they are up at midnight & then again at 4 am! Upcoming adventures of the chow chows include their turn to go shopping, When the puppies are not yet ready for their debut on a leash, their foster mom wraps them up like a baby in bunting and carries them through JCPenney and stores they will visit when they are ready for paws on the ground for a shopping experience.  As they grow and graduate to walking on a leash, their adventures take them to Evergreen Walk and area pet stores.

Two days later, we sponsored & rescued a very scared, two-year-old, gray, scruffy, terrier doggie, Champ, transporting him champfrom WV. He was in a pound there, then a foster home that could not keep him through the holidays. He has been to emergency and is now being cared for bleeding, swelling & lethargy. Within two days, he was eating chicken & rice out of his foster mother’s hand & giving tons of puppy kisses. They know when they are safe & loved!

Then just days later, we adopted out a pug/chihuahua mix, seven-month-old, 12-pound, tricolored tan/yellow/fawn doggie to an excited young couple with a ten-month-old daughter as a Christmas gift to themselves. Guess what his name is? Paul! He may be called Winston Paul at his forever home.

The latest:  a woman attorney also wanted to adopt Paul, so Perry & Paul both have homes. 

Perry  Paul

Read the full story about Champ and to see our adorable fluff balls...

You can see our doggies that are ready to be adopted at
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